Baby nail scissors
Cutting your little one’s nails can be terrifying, especially at first for most new parents who are afraid of drawing blood. For this reason it is important to have special baby nail scissors.
But it is important to keep your baby’s nails shorts for safety because they can easily scratch and cut their own delicate skin.
It is also important to keep babies’ nails cut when they start interacting or playing with other kids to avoid them getting scratched.
To trimm your baby’s nails, first you have to find a good position that allows you access to your infant’s hands.
It would be easier to cut the nails if you wait until your baby’s asleep. It also would be helpful to do it with a partner, while one holds the baby the other can trim the nails. Be sure that you are in a place with good lighting and then, hold your baby’s hand and finger steady with one hand while you cut nail with the other hand.
Use nail scissors with rounded tips for safety or baby clippers. Cut the nails as short as you can and make sure to keep nail’s edges rounded.
As newborns tend to have nails that grow quickly it is recommended to trimm once or twice a week. Toenails though grow more slowly, so a couple of times a month is fine.
Don’t get worried if you accidentally nip the skin. You must use a sterile gauze pad and gently apply a little pressure to stop the bleeding. Don’t put a bandage around the tiny cut because babies like to put their fingers in their mouths.
Don’t be tempted to bite your baby’s nails to keep them shorter because germs from your mouth can get into tiny cuts on your baby’s fingers and can cause infection.
Little Martin’s drawer baby nail trimmer file with light

The little martin’s drawer baby nail trimmer is a safer baby nail that won’t damage cuticles or soft nail beds, you can safely and quickly trim and polish little toenails and fingernails. It features a led front light and a whisper quiet motor so you can trim the nails while your baby is sleeping.
It comes with three cushioned sandpapers safe for babies and children as well as three attachments for adult use.
This nail trimmer features control speed (high and low) and rotation for enhancing nail filing positions and softer, smoother nails.
This nail trimmer is made with a one button design and it is perfect for home or travel.

Snipper clipper set by fridababy

This snipper clipper allows you to see exactly what you are clipping avoiding the risk of cutting your baby’s skin.
It features a curved baby nail clippers with overlapping blades for a safe, smooth and silent snipping. The baby nail file is a curved s-shaped and it is specially designed for small hands and fingers. It follows the contour of your baby’s nails for a perfect finish.

Little Martin’s baby nail care kit

The nail care kit includes 4 pieces:
- 2 Nail Scissors for use on newbons and infants
- Nail clipper with magnifier for babies 9 months up
- Soft tipped nasal tweezers.
The kit includes a space saving storage case for convenient way to carry when travelling. It is also easy to use at home.
It features an anti-slip and ergonomic handles that are easy and comfortable to grip while sharp blades cut nails smoothy with minimal effort.
Nail scissors feature a rounded tip and curved edges for safer cutting. Besides, all tools are made from baby-safe and high-grade stainless steel and BPA free plastic.

The first years american red cross deluxe nail clipper with magnifier

The deluxe nail clipper features a fold away 4x magnifier to increase confidence and reduce eyestrain. It also features precision, stainless steel blades and an ergonomic sure grip shape.
It is sized and scaled for tiny nales.

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